Mac Mail: Set Up LSUMail

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

Mac Mail is the default e-mail program on a Mac.

Configure Mac Mail for an LSUMail Account

 Note: Users on OS X 10.13 and below will have to use the Microsoft Outlook application or web-based Outlook to retain access to mail off campus.

1. If this is the first e-mail account being configured in Mac Mail, select Exchange as your mail account provider and click Continue.

Mac Mail account provider type window

2. Otherwise, Click Mail | Add Account....

the Add Account option in the mail dropdown menu

3. Enter your Name (First and Last) and your LSU email address. Click Sign In.

Name and email address dialog box in mac mail

4. If prompted to sign in to your Exchange account using Microsoft, select Sign In.

sign in using microsoft exchange dialog box, sign in highlighted


5. Enter your myLSU password and select Sign in.

Enter mylsu password dialog box in mac mail


6. Select Accept.

permission requested dialog box in mac mail accept highlighted

7. Confirm the apps you want to use with the account and click Done.

Included App sync options with a checkbox at the left of each app and done button at bottom right

Troubleshooting & Support

If you do not get the Account Summary screen, there is a problem finding your e-mail Server Address. 

It could be that you do not have an e-mail account with LSUMail.

1/29/2024 3:21:33 PM