myProxy: Create a communityLSU account (Guardians/Parents)

General Information

If you do not have a MyLSU Account or communityLSU account, you will need to create a communityLSU account.  A communityLSU account is an account that you set up using your personal email address.  Once you have this account set up, you will be able to log into the myProxy application to pay your student's fee bill.

Create a communityLSU account

1. If you haven't already requested an account,  Request a communityLSU account.

2. Click Sign Up.

New Users Sign-up button

3. Enter the required information, then click Submit.

  • Email Address

  • Re-enter your Email Address

  • New Password

  • Re-enter New Password

Option 1 Sign-up

4. Enter any Additional Information and click Submit

Additional Information page

  • You will now be sent a confirmation and verification email. Go to your email and click on the verification link. When you follow the link, your email address will be confirmed. 

E-mail Address Confirmation page


  • You will now use this communityLSU account & Password to log into any LSU systems to which you have been granted access.

5. Enter your communityLSU account & Password when you are prompted by the myLSU log in screen.

6. Click LOGIN.


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