myLSU Portal: Tax Documents
If you are using a mobile device to access the myLSU portal, you may need to rotate your phone to landscape mode to access the menu.
Note: Except for Form 1098, tax documents starting from 2016 to the present should now be accessed via Workday, including your standard W-2. Please check your LSU email or consult your supervisor for more information, as LSU HR will provide these instructions to you in your inbox.
To view only your 1098 instead, please view the instructions below.
Viewing Form 1098 Tax Documents in the myLSU Portal:
1. Log into myLSU.
2. On the myLSU homepage, select Financial Services at the left sidebar.
3. Under Financial Services, select Tax Documents.

4. Use the drop-down menu to choose a tax document. Then, Click GO to view it.

5. The Tax document will be displayed.
4/15/2024 7:52:34 AM