LSUMail: Report Junk E-mail from Your Mailbox

LSUMail: Report Junk E-mail from Your Mailbox

Junk and spam messages can be reported to Microsoft via the Reporting options in Outlook.

LSU IT Security does not receive reports of Junk messages. Junk or spam messages should not be reported as phishing. Reporting spam messages as phishing will not prevent future junk mail from reaching your inbox. 

If you are receiving unwanted junk messages:

  • Report the message as junk using the instructions below
  • Add the sender to your blocked senders list
  • Create an inbox rule to delete similar messages
  • Unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters or reports
    • Note: if a suspicious, unsolicited email contains an unsubscribe link, block the sender or set an inbox rule instead of interacting with the message. Use unsubscribe options for messages you once signed up to receive but are no longer interested in. 


Outlook Desktop and Web Apps:

1. Right-click on the message to be reported. Select Report > Junk 

Right click context menu for an email showing Report > Report Junk options
Open the message. Select Report > Not Junk from the Ribbon.
Report options from the Office ribbon

2. Mail will automatically be moved to the Junk E-mail folder.

Outlook Mobile Apps

Open the message and access the message actions by hitting the "..." option in the top right of the message. 

Select the "Report Junk" option from the menu. 

Select the "Report Junk" option from the email actions menu

On iOS, an additional window will appear for selecting the option to report junk. Android users should only have to select "Report junk" once. 

Reporting options in outlook mobile

To Indicate that a Message has been Marked as Junk Inappropriately:

1. Navigate to the Junk E-mail folder.

Junk Email category

2. Right-click on the message that was marked inappropriately. Select Mark as not junk.

Mark as not junk option

3. The E-mail will appear in the inbox folder again..

2/11/2025 1:38:32 PM