LSU Dining: Overview

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General Information
Campus Locations

There are several restaurants, and two main dining halls to choose from on campus.

LSU Dining Halls, The 5 & The 459, can be located on the map below along with all other dining options and locations.

A map of available dining on the L S U Campus
(Click here for a larger interactive version of the map)

You may also see a full listing of available dining locations at: LSU Dining - Where to Eat?

Payment Options

Meal Plans are typically paid for at the beginning of each semester and will give you options that may include each of the following:

  • MealsUsually the bulk of a meal plan, they can be redeemed at The 5 or The 459 Dining Halls for a buffet style meal. Meal transfers can be used at certain locations on campus at certain times for pre-determined meal options. Pricing and details of Meal Plans for Residents, Commuters, or Faculty/Staff can be found on the LSU Dining Site under the Meal Plans tab.

    • Individual Meals: If you are currently not under a meal plan but are interested in paying cash to eat at the dining halls, please see the resident dining door prices on the LSU Dining Site.

  • PAWS PointsPurchased with a meal plan, PAW Points have a 1:1 value to the US Dollar. They can be used at all LSU Dining locations from a TigerCard. At the end of the Fall semester, leftover PAWS Points will be carried over to the Spring only if a meal plan is purchased in the Spring, but at the end of the Spring semester leftover PAW Points cannot be redeemed.

  • Tiger CashTiger Cash can be used at LSU Dining locations as well as at a number of participating off-campus restaurants. See more information on Tiger Cash.

  • Cash, Credit Cards, and Debit CardsCash, Credit Cards, and Debit Cards are all accepted methods of payment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add money to my TigerCard?  How can I add money to my child's TigerCard?
You can add money to the TigerCard securely with the Tiger Card Office Online Account.

See more TigerCard FAQs.


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10/16/2023 12:35:11 PM